Some papers (pdf files)
- Evidence and scale (remarks to the CIFF Board)
- Is Aid a Waste of Money? (article in Significance, the journal of the Royal Statistical Society) (or archive copy)
- Tough on Poverty, Tough on the Causes of Poverty – Europe’s world
- The courts can cut off Assad’s supply line – FT Article
- Let’s not forget that development is more than just CIDA – Article with Lucas Robinson in the Globe and Mail
- CIDA merger with Foreign Affairs may help the poor – interview in Toronto Star
- How to Set Up Email Triage for MS Outlook – December 2012
- Can Aid Work – Written Evidence to the House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee
- Show, Don’t Tell – Public Service Review, April 2011
- Whose country is it anyway? Blog on Oaktree Foundation Blog 3 February 2011
- Complexity – the simple path to success in development (Guardian article) 28 January 2011
- Knowledge and Development – presentation to Addis Ababa Share Fair 19 October 2010
- An Open Letter to Aid Skeptics – article in the Center for International Relations Forum Journal
- Governance of the aid system – with Mikaela Gavas, Simon Maxwell and Deborah Johnson
- on Transparency – Atlantic Community 1 April 2010
- Beyond Planning: Markets and Networks for Better Aid (CGD Working Paper 185)
- What is Poverty Reduction? (CGD Working Paper 170)
- Modestly Saving Lives – contribution to openDemocracy 14 December 2009
- My review of Dead Aid by Dambisa Moyo
- Payments for Progress (CGD Working Paper 102) (with Nancy Birdsall)
- Reforming Development Assistance: Experience of the UK (from Brainard – ed)
- Marking Markets for Vaccines – Full Book (with Ruth Levine and Nancy Birdsall)
- Advance Market Commitments: A Policy to Stimulate Investment in Vaccines for Neglected Diseases
(with Michael Kremer and Heidi Williams) - Government Cathedrals and Government Bazaars
- Fear of Trying (Public Finance Magazine, August 2006)
- Are the planned increases in aid too much of a good thing? (CGD Working Paper 90)
- A policymakers’ guide to dutch disease (CGD Working Paper 91)
- Risk and Uncertainty (with Ruth Levine) (September 2006)
Other papers on this site
The 1980 Statement on Overseas Aid
20 February 1980
The Minister for Overseas Development (Mr Neil Marten): With permission, Mr Speaker, I should like to make a statement on overseas aid. Soon after assuming office, the Government instituted a review of its policies governing the...
What sort of conditions should there be on aid?
Politicians, the media, bloggers and other armchair experts on development almost all agree that aid for developing countries should be conditional on reforms by recipient countries, and that aid should be tied to conditions about how the aid is used....
2005 : Passing by on the other side
2005 was to be the year of development. There have been some significant advances - particularly on debt relief and funding for vaccines. But overall, 2005 has not lived up to the ambitions that campaigners and some politicians had for it as a year of...
Comparison of aid pledges for 2010 made in 2004 and 2005
Commitments in 2004
Commitments in 2005
ODA $m
ODA $m
0.33% by 2006
Intellectual Property And Market Failure
the economic ideas, for non-economists
a personal view: not endorsed by any organisation
“He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening m...
Public goods defined
Public goods are goods or services that can be consumed by everybody in a society, or nobody at all. They have three characteristics. They are:
one person consuming them does not stop another person consuming them.
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Aid and private donations
The following information is for aid from members of the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) in 2002-2003. The figures are calculated from the statistical annex of the DAC 2004 Development Cooperation Report.
Aid and private grants in US$m...
Sickly sweet
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Targets do more harm than good
Targets are the tools of command and control
The public service reform agenda has taught us to focus more on outputs and outcomes, to be more people-centred, and to delegate. We talk about coaching, training, diversity, and empowerment. These are changes...
Globalisation and business
This comes to you from Mumbai, where I have had the privilege of attending the World Social Forum (WSF) over the last five days.
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- The Role of the IFIs in the Future Financial Architecture – Presentation to the Nordic-Baltic meeting on multilateral development banks, January 2014
- You say you want a revolution? Presentation to DFID statisticians and evaluators, November 2013
- Practical Ethical Reflections in the Information Society
(presentation to the Institute of Business Ethics) - Presentation on Technical Assistance, DFID Ethiopia, 14 May 2009
- Presentation on Aid Effectiveness, DFID Tanzania, 20 May 2009
- Beyond Planning in aid, presentation to HMT, 25 January 2010
- Public spending in the post bureaucratic age, presentation to HMT, 25 January 2010
- Aid Effectiveness – the new agenda– Donor Assistance Group, Ethiopia, 19 May 2010
- After Busan – Stockholm, 20 January 2012
- What’s wrong with mutual accountability? – Berlin, 9 February 2012